Feb. 6 2015 12:46 PM
Horrific Florida Bill Would Imprison Trans People for Using Public Bathrooms
Photo by woaiss / Shutterstock.com
Gay marriage has been legal in Florida
for a month now, and at this point, even the state’s hardcore
conservatives seem increasingly resigned to the fact that marriage
equality is here to stay. Accordingly, Florida’s more bigoted
legislators have decided to turn their ire toward another maligned,
disfavored minority—trans people—by proposing one of the most viciously
sadistic, hypocritical bills the legislature has ever considered.
The basic purpose of the bill
is quite simple: to forbid trans people from using the public bathroom
that matches their true gender. According to the bill’s text, any trans
person who enters a “single-sex public facility” that doesn’t match
their “biological sex” is guilty of a first-degree misdemeanor. A
“single-sex public facility” includes bathrooms “maintained by an owner
of public accommodations, a school, or a place of employment”—basically,
any public bathroom in the entire state. Any trans person who violates
the act could be sentenced to one year in prison.
It gets much, much worse. Any non-trans person who discovers a trans
person using a bathroom that doesn’t align with their “biological sex”
would be permitted to sue that trans person under the act. (If sued
successfully, the trans person would have to pay their accuser’s
attorney fees.) And, in a final turn of the screw, an “owner of public
accommodations, a school, or a place of employment” who allows a
trans person to use the bathroom of their true gender is liable for a
civil suit. In other words, if a store owner does not actively prevent
trans people from using her bathrooms, she can be sued by other
customers. And of course, if the trans-friendly store owner is found to
have allowed a trans person to use the bathroom, she’ll not only have to
pay damages to disgruntled customers—she’ll also have to pay their
attorney’s fees.
The obvious intent of this bill is to humiliate trans people by
opening them up to criminal and civil liability merely for performing
the most basic of bodily functions. Trans people already face harassment, discrimination, and sometimes violence
while attempting to use the bathroom. This bill would effectively give
anti-trans harassers the state’s blessing, while providing them a new
avenue through which to shame trans Floridians—the court system. Many
trans people are already anxious about using public bathrooms; some are
afraid to leave their homes given the risk of verbal and physical abuse
they face in public facilities. With this bill, the state would
effectively legalize anti-trans harassment, sending a resounding message
to trans people that they are not welcome in public life.
But perhaps the galling component of the bill is its astonishing
interference into private businesses. For years, conservatives have been
complaining that LGBT non-discrimination ordinances impede the liberty
of business owners. These businesses, conservatives argue, should have
the freedom to conduct their affairs however they so choose—even if that
means kicking out gay customers
who want to buy their products. With the tables turned, however,
Florida’s right-wing legislators have changed their tune, arguing that
private business owners should be forbidden from letting trans
customers use their bathrooms. This intrusion into the autonomy of
businesses is as hideously hypocritical as it is unsurprising. Most
conservatives are only willing to defend business owners’ rights so long
as they’re exercising their right to discriminate against LGBTQ people.
When businesses wish to tolerate LGBTQ customers, conservatives have no problem passing a law restricting their liberty.
It is probably too soon to tell whether Florida’s bill will pass—though given this legislature’s track record,
any bill designed to demean a sexual minority has fair odds of becoming
law. Either way, the mere existence of such a mean-spirited bill sends a
blunt message to the state’s trans community that they are not welcome
here. It was probably inevitable that, once the marriage equality debate
settled down, those who dedicate their lives to promoting hatred would
set their sights on trans people. But the maliciousness and celerity
with which Florida’s legislators have zeroed in on the trans community
suggests the next battle for LGBTQ rights will be a brutal one.
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